Project of the day – Ana White’s Fancy X Desk

Project of the day – Ana White’s Fancy X Desk

“We have a problem,” said my youngest, Cody. “Everyone has a desk except for me.” And he was right.

Watch for this remodel project,
staining laminate cabinets.

You see, I have a lovely home office that I custom made with left over cabinets from a former client’s showroom. They were downsizing, and I needed an office with built-in’s to get the most space and the most workstations possible. At the time, having three work spaces were perfect. I had a spot, the hubby had a spot, and I had a craft area because the boys never wanted to use the third desk space. Win, win all the way around for me…until someone moved back home and decided to attend college while living at home. We won’t name names here, oldest son, but when he moved back in I lost my crafting space. This also meant that if Cody wanted a desk, there was no space to be found…at least in the office.

So Cody and I began a search this summer to find plans to make his own desk for his bedroom. Now, there were certain things that he was requesting, first that it wouldn’t be too deep, he didn’t want to have to crawl over his desk to get into bed. Second it had to be a little modern, none of this peeling paint or my beat up trash finds. And third, it had to be long enough to house not only his computer, but his gaming TV as well. Nothing I couldn’t handle, right?

Our first plan of action was to search Pinterest together where we found desk plans from Ana White. Second plan of action was to figure out when since I was all consumed with my Wanna Be Remodel. Well, I finally found time and finished up Cody’s Fancy X Desk. I gave it a sleek coat of black paint and called it perfect!

I could go into how it was done, but why reinvent the wheel when Ana White already gives you the step by step plans here. So click away and feel inspired. Not only do I pin the pins on Pinterest, but I make them as well and sometimes they turn out just right.

What’s up next you ask? This little beauty is also in Cody’s room, used to house his TV and gaming counsel. I think it’s in need of a remake, don’t you?

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Pinning the wilderness of my imagination, one Pin at a time. I love hiking, camping, watching my boys fish, and taking long walks with my yellow labs, Taylor and Mandi. I enjoy cooking when the mood hits, and not only have I published novels, but I'm the master of redesigning just about anything. I’m the DIY author who has made Idaho her home for 27 years, and I can't wait to spend another 27 years here.

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