Project of the Day – Living Room Makeover, Part 3

Project of the Day – Living Room Makeover, Part 3
We’re getting closer, like seriously closer to having the living/dining room remodel done! I can taste the saw dust in the air, no really I can! They start sanding on Wednesday, and it can’t come soon enough…well, okay it’s coming soon enough and it means I’ll be removed from the house for 3 days. That part I’m not happy about, but what can you do? Nothing…

Anyway, the hubby and oldest son helped remove the remaining furniture from the spaces, and all I heard was their complaining that I picked the heaviest pieces ever! Yeah, right, blah, blah, blah…I get it with the hubby complaining, he’s moved the furniture around several times with me, but the oldest? Heck, I’m teaching him valuable life skills here and I get no appreciation for it! Kids!

And before I digress…

Here’s the empty slate just waiting to be completed.

I’ve got tons of other projects going on as well, like say cleaning up/sprucing up the backyard. Here’s just a few outside projects that have taken place in the last two weeks while I’ve been getting bids on the refinishing project.

And now I think I need a vacation…until next time, laters gators.

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Pinning the wilderness of my imagination, one Pin at a time. I love hiking, camping, watching my boys fish, and taking long walks with my yellow labs, Taylor and Mandi. I enjoy cooking when the mood hits, and not only have I published novels, but I'm the master of redesigning just about anything. I’m the DIY author who has made Idaho her home for 27 years, and I can't wait to spend another 27 years here.

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