DIY Christmas Projects – Infinity Scarf

DIY Christmas Projects – Infinity Scarf
Watch a post on creating custom candy jars
coming up soon!

You’ve still got time believe it or not, to make some DIY Christmas gifts for those friends and family members that might have it all. Or for those friends/family that are avid book lovers, classy decor queens, or fashion divas. Adding a little bling into their lives can bring out smiles and knowing you made it from the heart, well, that’s just the frosting on the cake!

#1 – The Infinity Scarf.

Super cute and easy to make. It took me about fifteen minutes for each scarf once I got the hang of what I was doing…I’m dyslexic, remember, and tend to do things backwards before I can get it straight in my head. Each of these scarves were under $4.00 each, as you only need 1/2 yard of knit fabric for each scarf (try to find a thinner knit as it can get too bulky).

I used coupons at JoAnn’s and Hobby Lobby and then followed directions for the scarves I found on Pinterest, DIY Infinity Scarf. These directions were by far the best from other’s I’d reviewed. Of course, as always, I took it upon myself to add my own special touch to the scarves. Some received some extra bling cuz I thought they needed them, while others held their own just fine.


My Mom cutting the fabric at 18 inches. Those ruffles make
the scarf cute, but were a bit of a pain to work with.
I sewed it inside out, running the length of the fabric first.


I then turned it inside out and sewed the two ends together
leaving a small opening to pull the material through.
Tada! One Infinity Scarf! Um, I also cheated…
I don’t hand sew anything-ever, so I used the machine to
make a small stitch where I turned the fabric inside out.
The ruffles hid it, so it didn’t really matter.
My Mom modeling the finished product.
This is one of the knit scarves where I added some bling.
I found what are called “scarf rings” from Amazon. They are
put on before you sew it closed. Then turn it inside out and sew
the ends together.
You don’t have to make it perfect right now. You’ll adjust the
bling after it’s all sewn up and around your neck.
My Cody modeling the black scarf for us…
The serious look…
The “I don’t want to do this anymore so I’ll
hang myself look.”
The “hey baby, take a look at my great ponytail look.”
And the famous, “Arg, I’m a pirate look.”
And finally the “I’m going to hit you up later look because
you’re posting my picture online.”
Another idea to make an semi/changeable Infinity scarf with
material (old scarf) you already have at home.
I already had this scarf, but didn’t necessarily like the bling that
came with it. I tied the two ends together like so…
And changed it into an Infinity scarf, but can change it back
if I want to.

And here’s your final pictures. My mom and I spent the day making scarves for friends and family members and when it was all said and done, we wound up with about twelve scarves each!

So…that means that I’m giving away a scarf!!! Yes, you heard me right, I’M GIVING AWAY AN INFINITY SCARF! Here’s what you have to do…make a comment below on which color you’d prefer, turquoise, black or white and once I have ten comments… I’ll pick a winner!!!

Here’s the remake of the scarf. I made the bling for the bottom
with supplies I had on hand.
This is one where I thought it needed some extra bling. Again I
made the bling on the bottom from my crafting jewelry supplies.



# 2 – Handmade bookmarks – Watch for tomorrow’s blog posting!

Written by

Pinning the wilderness of my imagination, one Pin at a time. I love hiking, camping, watching my boys fish, and taking long walks with my yellow labs, Taylor and Mandi. I enjoy cooking when the mood hits, and not only have I published novels, but I'm the master of redesigning just about anything. I’m the DIY author who has made Idaho her home for 27 years, and I can't wait to spend another 27 years here.

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